According to the biology textbook, roots are the non-leaf organs of plants that anchor them in the soil, help them absorb water, inorganic substances, and store their own reserves. However, roots are more than just physical structures – they depend on complex symbiosis and competition among an enormous number of organisms. Hidden in the soil are tissues of lichens, hyphae, cells, and entire microscopic ecosystems. The cycle of bustling cells, focused on satisfying their hunger and desires. The joyful bubbling of life-giving bacteria and deadly parasites occurs among the tiny roots of even the smallest plants. Their relationships are so complex that we cannot even come close to fully understanding them. There is a continuous exchange of substances and communication taking place that we are unable to hear.

However, the roots of humanity are abstract, immaterial – metaphorical. Cultural, hereditary, national. Reflecting on and preserving them helps us maintain the memory and messages of our ancestors, and through their symbiosis, create new narratives. So, how do socio-cultural roots differ from those natural, material ones? Are they defined by our language, customs, traditions, food, and folklore?
Our interactions with the surrounding world create the deep roots of our identities and cultural contexts. What are our relationships with each other and with the surrounding world?
Volodymyr Serhachev
Volodymyr Serhachev
Tijana Radenkovic
Tijana Radenkovic
Art pieces:
Diana Bilichenko: Rhizome Kyiv, 2023
Jaroslav Beliš: nové korene, 2024
Kateřina Durďáková: Dokola, 2019
Tanya Kyianytsia: vytynanky: Zrnko, Sen, Duša, Jadro, Výkvet, Domov, Kým rieka tečie, Úroda, Spánok
Tijana Radenković    We are not only Us / Part II, 2024
Oksana Sadovenko: Litatlin, 2023

Volodymyr Serhachev: Post-Stepe, 2023
Viktória Revická: Ako sa korene pod asfaltom krutia, 2023
Mária Šimová: Flowers from my Mother´s grave, 2024
Jaromír Šplíchal    Warriors, 2023

curator: Kasha Potrohosh
for Fjúžn festival
production: Martin Brix, Ilia Tsutskiridze, Ivana Kohutková
Photo: isonative
Festival [fjúžn] organizuje Nadácia Milana Šimečku
Z verejných zdrojov finančne podporili:
Fond na podporu umenia | Hlavné mesto SR Bratislava | UNICEF | Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín | Mestská časť Bratislava – Staré Mesto
For festival [fjúžn]
Pistory palace, Bratislava
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