Custom mask - 200 EUR
Material: nylon, textile, recyling materials
Material: nylon, textile, recyling materials
Not comfortable for active performance or singing (should be adjust for speccial occusions. Ask to adjust). Best for shooting, slow performances, videoperformances, videoclips.
Custom mask with chenille wire.
The price depends on the time and materials.
Materials: chenille wire.
Not comfortable for wearing for a long time. Best for shooting, short term projects, active performances, ets.
Not comfortable for wearing for a long time. Best for shooting, short term projects, active performances, ets.
Croshet hats
The price depends on the time and materials (80-100e)
materials: ONLY eco brands: cotton and wool yarns.
The price depends on the time and materials (80-100e)
materials: ONLY eco brands: cotton and wool yarns.
Best for casuall wearing, singing, performing.
Painting seria: Venuses, 2024
A6, A5, A4
Material: guashe, author`s liquid
Price: A4 - 120EUR
A5 - 80EUR
A6 - 40EUR
A6, A5, A4
Material: guashe, author`s liquid
Price: A4 - 120EUR
A5 - 80EUR
A6 - 40EUR
Inspired by archaic sculpture of Venuses, microworld, etymology, lichenology, mycology. There is form of bacterias, lichens, bugs, algae, fungi spores, plant's roots ets.
A4 format (21,0 × 29,7 cm)
A5 format (14,8 × 21,0 cm)
A6 format (10,5 × 14,8 cm)
emoG plagat
Material: Offset print, matte paper 200gr
Format: A3 (29,7 x 42cm)
One plagat - 15EUR
All seria 6x plagats - 60EUR
Material: Offset print, matte paper 200gr
Format: A3 (29,7 x 42cm)
One plagat - 15EUR
All seria 6x plagats - 60EUR
Write me a message if You are interested. Mostly, my work is oriented to custom project. I love individual and unique pieces.
Thank you!